I feel like i just got back from Paris when i leave again to tour Australia / New Zealand. I fly this wed. I still feel like i haven't yet settled in town yet. I've sort
of become "The Traveler". I feel like i have friends around the world, yet i feel lonely still. Life in the Darkened Clubs/ Dream Diaries coming alive on the stage.
What you see is what you do. Jet Set rhythm on the Jet Stream Line. Cross the Oceans
to another time... Land in land air in air i come up from the water to reach for the
I just finished reading
BEING THERE By Jerry Kosinski. A truly amazing Novel. Maybe a little short to call a novel ( 100 or so pages ),
Yes. I also just finished reading
VALLEY OF THE DOLLS ( AGAIN ).... All i feel like doing is going to the Park and reading....